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Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The Kinks.

If I ran the world...........this band would be given far more credit. Ray Davies in particular, being the chief songwriter in the band. Unfortunately for this fantastically-English band, their career took off at the same time as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who (whom The Kinks are far superior to). Songs such as 'Waterloo Sunset', 'Come Dancing' and 'You Really Got Me' show Davies' superb ability to paint a picture for his audience. Even when his songs are laced with sarcasm and cynicism, they still have such an incredible amount of honesty that it's almost child-like. Fantastic songwriter, fantastic band.

The Eagles.

If I ran the world............I would have any record of this bands existence removed from history. What a complete load of non-sensical rubbish. Nursery rhymes with guitars. The phenomenal success that this band has enjoyed is completely baffling to me. However it is pretty damning evidence against American music in general, a perfect statement to support the old 'only in America' saying, because only in America would millions of buffoons buy these records. The band may be very clever, having a nouse for giving the people what they want. However i really do doubt this, because having listened to their lyrics, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest they have the intelligence to pull this off.

Richard Hammond.

If I ran the world.............this guy would be removed from his role as Top Gear presenter. He is one annoying little shit. James May is effortlessly funny and Clarkson is funny in a number of ways, but Hammond makes far too much of an effort. Plus, why bother presenting a show about cars when the only ones you care about are Porsche? Have you read his books? What a load of balls they are! Constantly banging on about that crash.....TELL A NEW STORY! I cannot possibly respect a man who is the size of a very small child. Simply cannot be done.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Time Travelling.

If I ran the world...........I would travel back in time with the sole aim of finding out which arsehole it was that thought the 5-day working week was a good idea.
He or she needs punishing. I don't care if you think this is ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Graham Norton.

If I ran the world..........this berk would be taken off the TV. He is not funny. Not in the slightest. He is completely de-void of any charisma and personality. The thing that annoys me the most is because of these failings I have previously stated, he relies completely on his sexuality, camping it up as much as possible because he thinks that equates to comedic ability. Pillock. Before anyone says "you could always change the channel", I believe that, given the title of this blog, it will be my job to clear up the things i believe to be shit. So he can piss right off!

Simon Cowell.

If i ran the world.........this tosser would have been sent to the gallows long ago. I can only describe him as a cancer on society, almost single-handedly ripping apart creditable music in Britain, where The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks were all formed. Now we have Leona fucking Lewis? I suppose we don't need Elton John anymore, now we have that little shit Joe who just won it. When i do takeover, this bastard's long gone.